A love letter to the readers of Style-Ish
By Ruby Waters
To those who celebrate the one day of the year that revolves around love, whether it’s romantic, platonic or just everywhere we look- Happy Valentines! And to those of you who don’t, this one’s for you as well.
“So, here’s what I’ve been thinking about lately…”
I’m a romantic, therefore the idea of this ‘holiday’ makes me long for February the most throughout the whole of the year. It reminds me that the world is full of so much more love, than any other emotion.
I don’t just feel it towards those closest to me, including my friends, family and boyfriend- although I would say that’s where I feel it the most. But I also feel it towards everything that brings a smile to my face and heart.
The woman who serves me every Monday at lunch in the university cafeteria. The regular faces I have begun to notice at the gym. The dog walkers in the park who are consistent with their lovely ‘Good mornings’ . Even the lady at my local TK Max who never fails to have a positive chit chat with me during my shopping splurges.
I love taking a moment out of each day to be thankful for the good things surrounding me that day. Therefore the 14th allows me an entire day to do just that. I suppose it’s because I’m a romantic that I say that, but why wouldn’t I be?
Every day proves that there is a bit of beauty and love within every moment. Love towards ourselves for our strength, beauty and kindness. Love towards strangers on the street because you never know what they might be going through. Love to the people closest, because we must appreciate them every day. And love towards everything that makes each day feel a little bit lighter and the future a little bit brighter.
I don’t think you have to be a romantic to see how much better the world is, when we look at it from the perspective of love. So, if you take anything from me today, it’s to smile and know that love doesn’t have to stem from a thousand red roses or a luxury gift, it comes only from within ourselves.
And Style-Ish most definitely loves you.
With love,
Ruby xxx
Edited by Isabel Butler